Integrative Somatic Bodywork


MAVEN /ˈmā-vən/

one who is experienced or knowledgeable: EXPERT

MUSE \ˈmyüz\

a source of inspiration for a creative artist.


At MAVEN & MUSE, our primary aim is to empower clients in their transformative journey toward healing from anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. Through a unique combination of somatic breathwork, hands-on techniques, and coaching, we offer a comprehensive approach to address the physical symptoms and the underlying causes of these challenges by addressing the body emotionally.

”Q” is A highly skilled and compassionate practitioner dedicated to supporting clients as they delve into their body's wisdom, unlocking the profound healing capacity that lies within. With Somatic bodywork, clients discover the power to regulate their nervous systems, liberate emotional blockages, and cultivate a deep self-awareness.

With Years of Studies and Research, “Q” has created a unique style of healing sessions that has yielded results for clients repeatedly throughout the years. Our Somatic sessions provide an array of practical tools and unwavering support, ensuring clients are equipped to create lasting change and develop steadfast resilience in the face of life's inevitable challenges. Ultimately, MAVEN & MUSE offers a truly transformative experience, enabling clients to reclaim their unparalleled joy, abundant vitality, and overall well-being.



350 Nursery Rd Ste. 1101

Spring, TX 77380


(936) 228 - 9262


Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 7pm